We accept Medicare, Medi-Cal and most private insurances.
How it Works?
Check Your Coverage
MedBox specialists collect the information needed to verify your insurance coverage via phone call or email.
Transfer Your Prescriptions
We process your prescriptions by working with your previous pharmacy and doctors, making the transfer quick and easy.
Get Your MedBox
A start date for MedBox is chosen based on your current fill cycle. MedBox will arrive at your door before your start date.
How much does Medpack cost?
Medpack is provided as a service to our Torrance Pharmacy patients. There are no additional costs involved. You simply pay what you’ve always paid for your prescriptions. Delivery is free – you simply pay your usual co-pays.
How much will my co-pays be?
Your co-pays should stay the same as they currently are. Co-pays are set by your insurance company, so even if you switch pharmacies to take advantage of Medpack, they should remain the same.
Are you able to fill a 90 days supply?
We no longer offer 90-day fills. Instead, we issue a monthly supply for MedBox items.
Can vitamins be included in my MedBox?
Yes, we can include your vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter medications in your MedBox.
How do I receive “as-needed” medications?
“As needed” medications can be included in any Medpack, however they will be sent in a standard pill bottle rather than the individual packets that your other prescriptions will be in.
What if my medications change frequently?
We package your medications in monthly increments and work with doctors and insurance companies to automatically refill MedBox with the most up-to-date prescriptions before the current MedBox runs out. In cases of emergencies, we’re able to deliver overnight.
I am a caregiver - can I sign up my loved one?
Yes – signing up your loved one is easy. Be sure to have their insurance, doctor, and current pharmacy information on hand.
Will you split my pills for me?
Yes, our licensed pharmacists can.
Where is MedBox located?
MedBox is based in California and fully licensed in the state of California. MedBox is currently available to the areas marked in green in the map below.