Hemophilia occurs when blood is not able to clot properly and excessive bleeding can occur. Hemophilia is hereditary most of the time, but it can also be acquired if your body forms antibodies that can attack the bloodstream’s clotting factors. There are two types of Hemophilia: Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B. Hemophilia A means the blood has minimal to no clotting factor VIII; Hemophilia B means your body has little to no clotting factor IX. Although there is no cure for either type, there are medications that can help you to live a more normal life while managing Hemophilia A or Hemophilia B.

Some common signs and symptoms of Hemophilia A and B include the following:

Common Signs and Symptoms

  • Heavy bleeding from only a minor cut
  • Blood in stool or urine
  • Nosebleeds occur without any reason

Hemophilia Awareness

  • A higher percentage of the male population will have hemophilia; in fact, 1 out of 5,000 males born each year will have Type A or Type B Hemophilia
  • Hemophilia A has been shown to be 4 times more common than type B

Hemophilia Medications

Additional Resources